"If you don't like the effects, don't produce the cause."
Ex-boss calls and asks for blog to be taken down, threatens legal action.
Yesterday my ex-boss Jeff Ayers called to ask me to take down my blog. I asked him why I'd want to do that. He said because it painted Forbidden Planet in a bad light. Why should I care? They fired me. He informed me Rich was meeting with his lawyers and I told him good, I was meeting with mine. It was actually kind of unnerving because of how calm he was. Not at all like him. I actually felt guilty for a second for airing his dirty laundry all over my blog, I mean he has a problem, he needs help. I should feel sorry for him. But then I remembered how I was treated and that feeling faded fast. He asked why I didn't come to them instead of writing this blog. As far as I'm concerned that door was closed the second they fired me. I say fired even though I was laid off because traditionally when you're laid off you're given two weeks notice and there is severance pay. We were offered neither.
We went around in circles a bit. I told him if he wanted to talk that he and Rich should get their lawyers together and I would get mine and we could all talk. He said they would not sit down and talk with me until I took this blog down. I told him I would get back to him. I guess this post is my response.
I am exercising my constitutional rights to free speech as guaranteed by the first amendment and publicly airing my grievances against an employer who I feel acted irresponsibly, unethically and broke federal labor laws (time paid for time worked). If they want to launch a frivolous lawsuit against me, I welcome it because I will win.
Back at it?
15 years ago